American Airlines arrivals Miami International Airport (MIA)

American Airlines Miami MIA airport arrivals allow to check status of American Airlines flight arrivals at Miami International Airport the information including flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate, delays and cancelations.

Arrival times are given in local time. Current local time at Miami airport is 11:19 AM 2025-02-16

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Origin Status
AA2718 21:59 (CHS) Charleston, SC Cancelled
AA2186 05:33 15:59 (LAX) Los Angeles, CA Delayed
AA412 08:38 09:35 (BDL) Hartford, CT Arrived
AA1653 08:42 (SDF) Louisville, KY No Recent Info - Call Airline
AA3508 08:44 14:00 (PNS) Pensacola, FL Delayed
AA1342 08:54 10:20 (BNA) Nashville, TN In Air
AA2308 08:55 (IND) Indianapolis, IN No Recent Info - Call Airline
AA1020 09:08 11:03 (DTW) Detroit, MI In Air
AA1168 09:08 14:37 (GRR) Grand Rapids, MI Delayed
AA1716 09:09 09:42 (STL) St Louis, MO Arrived
AA4089 09:09 09:15 (TYS) Knoxville, TN Arrived
AA1418 09:10 09:41 (BOS) Boston, MA Arrived
AA2887 09:10 09:35 (CLE) Cleveland, OH Arrived
AA2984 09:10 09:32 (ORD) Chicago, IL Arrived
AA3368 09:12 09:30 (MCI) Kansas City, MO Arrived
AA2696 09:20 08:42 (HAV) Havana Arrived
AA770 09:21 09:11 (CLT) Charlotte, NC Arrived
AA1249 09:22 09:21 (LGA) New York, NY Arrived
AA2589 09:25 10:27 (YYZ) Toronto In Air
AA3012 09:31 09:12 (JFK) New York, NY Arrived
AA2817 09:40 09:13 (SJU) San Juan Arrived
AA2820 09:45 09:36 (SAL) San Salvador Arrived
AA3055 09:45 09:47 (DFW) Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Arrived
AA1530 09:58 10:09 (LGA) New York, NY Arrived
AA3949 10:00 10:17 (MTY) Monterrey Landed
AA2134 10:04 10:05 (DCA) Washington, DC Arrived
AA2504 10:07 10:13 (TPA) Tampa, FL Arrived
AA3283 10:19 10:00 (MCO) Orlando, FL Arrived
AA1512 10:20 09:46 (GEO) Georgetown Arrived
AA2765 10:22 10:59 (BOS) Boston, MA In Air
AA3482 10:26 10:21 (OMA) Omaha, NE In Air
AA924 10:35 10:18 (MDE) Medellin Arrived
AA1410 10:35 10:40 (MSY) New Orleans, LA In Air
AA1538 10:35 10:01 (SJO) San Jose Arrived
AA414 10:40 09:57 (BDA) St George Landed
AA3256 10:40 12:59 (IND) Indianapolis, IN Departed
AA323 10:44 10:35 (EWR) Newark, NJ In Air
AA524 10:44 10:51 (BNA) Nashville, TN In Air
AA902 10:45 10:12 (MGA) Managua Landed
AA2130 10:45 10:31 (SNU) Santa Clara In Air
AA372 10:49 11:29 (UIO) Quito In Air
AA1610 10:49 11:49 (JFK) New York, NY In Air
AA2585 10:49 10:59 (ATL) Atlanta, GA In Air
AA850 10:50 10:34 (GUA) Guatemala City In Air
AA2868 10:53 10:36 (RDU) Raleigh/Durham, NC In Air
AA2725 10:54 10:17 (BGI) Bridgetown Arrived
AA1498 10:55 10:41 (MEX) Mexico City In Air
AA2678 10:55 10:19 (HAV) Havana Landed
AA9991 10:55 02:55 (GTB) Fort Drum, NY Delayed
AA9781 10:57 13:25 (SXM) St. Maarten Departed
AA2591 10:59 10:38 (BWI) Baltimore, MD In Air
AA970 11:00 11:16 (LGA) New York, NY In Air
AA2294 11:03 (AUS) Austin, TX Cancelled
AA1347 11:04 10:37 (IAH) Houston, TX In Air
AA1223 11:05 10:44 (DFW) Dallas-Fort Worth, TX In Air
AA1516 11:05 13:21 (YUL) Montreal In Air
AA1870 11:05 11:02 (MSP) Minneapolis, MN In Air
AA2184 11:06 10:56 (PHL) Philadelphia, PA In Air
AA422 11:10 11:11 (DCA) Washington, DC In Air
AA1411 11:10 11:03 (ORD) Chicago, IL In Air
AA2717 11:10 11:05 (MCI) Kansas City, MO In Air
AA3374 11:10 13:27 (CMH) Columbus, OH Departed
AA3878 11:13 11:09 (JAX) Jacksonville, FL In Air
AA3977 11:14 12:24 (CVG) Cincinnati, OH In Air
AA2154 11:17 (CLT) Charlotte, NC Cancelled
AA3522 11:17 14:01 (DSM) Des Moines, IA Departed
AA2240 11:19 11:40 (MCO) Orlando, FL Departed
AA3858 11:19 11:56 (TLH) Tallahassee, FL Departed
AA2450 11:20 11:22 (VRA) Varadero Departed
AA2538 11:20 (BOS) Boston, MA Cancelled
AA3111 11:20 11:23 (TPA) Tampa, FL Departed
AA3930 11:20 11:52 (MKE) Milwaukee, WI In Air
AA4078 11:26 11:25 (NAS) Nassau Departed
AA498 11:30 11:05 (SJO) San Jose In Air
AA1862 11:30 11:05 (GYE) Guayaquil In Air
AA2162 11:35 11:15 (CTG) Cartagena In Air
AA243 11:50 11:53 (HAV) Havana Scheduled
AA1532 11:50 11:35 (SCU) Santiago De Cuba In Air
AA1130 12:21 11:54 (BOG) Bogota In Air
AA460 12:26 13:34 (ORD) Chicago, IL Delayed
AA2040 12:27 12:39 (LGA) New York, NY In Air
AA2013 12:29 16:22 (RDU) Raleigh/Durham, NC Delayed
AA4044 12:29 12:34 (EYW) Key West, FL Scheduled
AA2689 12:33 14:17 (DFW) Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Delayed
AA9780 12:37 12:37 (SXM) St. Maarten Expected
AA1259 12:38 13:46 (BOS) Boston, MA Departed
AA1032 12:43 13:27 (JFK) New York, NY Departed
AA3726 12:50 12:44 (ELH) North Eleuthera Scheduled
AA491 12:52 (DCA) Washington, DC Cancelled
AA2949 12:54 12:54 (MCO) Orlando, FL Scheduled
AA1558 12:55 12:40 (LIM) Lima In Air
AA9785 12:55 12:55 (VQQ) Jacksonville, FL Scheduled
AA453 13:02 16:08 (DEN) Denver, CO Delayed
AA1334 13:05 13:59 (HAV) Havana Delayed
AA3057 13:06 14:35 (CLT) Charlotte, NC Delayed
AA3489 13:06 13:06 (TPA) Tampa, FL Scheduled
AA3420 13:20 13:45 (MHH) Abaco Island Delayed
AA3911 13:20 13:20 (GGT) Georgetown Scheduled
AA63 13:30 13:11 (CDG) Paris In Air
AA1046 13:33 (ATL) Atlanta, GA Cancelled
AA2158 13:34 19:55 (JAX) Jacksonville, FL Delayed
AA3453 13:35 13:35 (FPO) Freeport Scheduled
AA4170 13:37 14:01 (RDU) Raleigh/Durham, NC Scheduled
AA1469 13:41 13:41 (CUN) Cancun Scheduled
AA2837 13:43 (MSY) New Orleans, LA Cancelled
AA3060 13:43 (PHL) Philadelphia, PA Cancelled
AA3968 13:52 13:52 (PNS) Pensacola, FL Scheduled
AA315 13:54 15:04 (LAX) Los Angeles, CA Departed
AA69 13:55 13:58 (MAD) Madrid In Air
AA2011 13:56 14:28 (LGA) New York, NY Scheduled
AA2925 14:09 14:52 (SAN) San Diego, CA Departed
AA1592 14:15 14:15 (NAS) Nassau Scheduled
AA2706 14:15 14:35 (HAV) Havana Delayed
AA3056 14:17 15:39 (ORD) Chicago, IL Delayed
AA469 14:20 15:04 (DFW) Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Delayed
AA4007 14:33 14:33 (OCJ) Ocho Rios Scheduled
AA1301 14:35 14:35 (GCM) Grand Cayman Scheduled
AA4051 14:36 14:36 (EYW) Key West, FL Scheduled
AA4071 14:38 14:38 (IND) Indianapolis, IN Scheduled
AA2065 14:39 14:39 (IAH) Houston, TX Scheduled
AA2039 14:42 16:18 (LGA) New York, NY Delayed
AA3774 14:44 14:44 (BNA) Nashville, TN Scheduled
AA6958 14:45 14:40 (LHR) London In Air
AA649 14:47 14:47 (MCO) Orlando, FL Scheduled
AA2099 14:47 15:01 (SDQ) Santo Domingo Scheduled
AA3018 14:49 15:45 (DCA) Washington, DC Delayed
AA1102 15:05 16:15 (CUN) Cancun Delayed
AA1341 15:05 15:05 (SJU) San Juan Scheduled
AA3446 15:10 15:10 (MHH) Abaco Island Scheduled
AA1352 15:15 16:26 (AUS) Austin, TX Delayed
AA369 15:19 16:57 (SFO) San Francisco, CA Delayed
AA113 15:20 15:23 (BCN) Barcelona In Air
AA2283 15:38 15:33 (STT) Charlotte Amalie Scheduled